Saturday, September 11, 2010

UAZ sent to the Silk Road, 190-horsepower pickup
UAZ, taking part in the rally-raid "Silk Road" spread some of the details of his "combat" car, built on the base of UAZ Pickup. This car was boosted to 190 horsepower gasoline engine ZMZ-409 volume of 2.7 liters.

In addition, a racing pickup truck was expanded gauge, reinforced frame, there were sports shock absorbers, roll cage, but instead back "sofa" is set to 400-liter tank. Plus, navigation devices and warning system when overtaking in poor visibility conditions - such devices are equipped with machines participating in the rally-raid.

As the pilot of UAZ Sport Division Dzhepaev Benjamin, who will go to the "Silk Road" on this car, a racing pickup truck turned "a powerful and easy. "I think that off-road, we can reach a speed of 170 kilometers per hour. I think we show a good result," - he added.

In 2009 Dzhepaev appeared on "Silk Road" on the serial SUV UAZ Patriot and was able to get up to 21 car line in the standings, ahead of 13 rivals. This year, organizers have established a separate prize for the best pilots, acting on domestic cars.

Race of the Silk Road - 2010 "starts Sept. 11 from St. Petersburg. Last week, 70 participants have to overcome more than four thousand miles and finish in Sochi.


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